Get Involved

Excited about CLTS and ready to do more? Great news! There are many ways to engage with the Somerville Community Land Trust.

SCLT volunteers are key representatives of Somerville’s diverse community and for spreading knowledge & excitement about our work and model. Volunteers help run events (tabling, logistics, outreach etc.), provide guidance for real estate opportunities to develop affordable housing, review grant proposals, and more!

Join a committee

Real Estate
Narrative & Communications

We meet as committees and coordinate ourselves on the SCLT Slack. If you haven’t yet, please join!OR contact Andrés Bueno by email and phone at 617-233-6379 with your interest.

Not sure how you want to get involved?

Attend a Volunteer Meeting

Attend a Volunteer Meeting held at 7pm every other Wednesday on our SCLT Zoom and learn what SCLT is up to and where you can join. Upcoming meetings are listed on our events page. You can subscribe to our volunteer events calendar here.

Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop for future opportunities, or join our group of awesome volunteers!